? ??????????????Flowers Bloom? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??76 Grabs Today. 1417 Total Grabs.
??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Paradismal? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (37 Ratings)??75 Grabs Today. 13702 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????Easy Install Instructions:???1. Copy CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Some girls are total retards....Uhm...uhm... Some 6H girls...Uhm.....Either their dumb or just or they have no common sense..........I say their both............I just whacked one a few days ago...GilaGirl...They can't shut up one single bit .....If I had a chance to take a rocket launcher and shoot them, I would, A few thousand times........oh yeah, if you think Akshay Mittal is Akshay Mental, you must be mental......He is actually quite a great guy.....The only reason he irritates you is because you anger or irritate him.......Okay I agree with the fact that he is really irritating, but seriously just play along with him when he irritates you for a while and listen him out...He will be totally different.....And you will learn that he talks more sense compares to some of the girls in 6H

(If you have anything against this paragraph,please comment....I will be glad to edit it ...or would I.....)

Okay currently now I'm doing my maths E-Learning......lol...Oh yeah I have been officialy named PANIKBOY in my malay group.....Ok currently drowning in utter stupidity and E-learningism.....p.s. Congratz to max on his acievement of his toy...It is going to be mass produced!!!!!!Good Job man......

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Umm....Pimp my pics

I was playing around with gimp and Google Earth and i got this wierd picture

Lol I am a noob...... Oh yeah today Wei Kai crushed his hand at the PA room door (his hand is always unlucky)In honor of him i'm puttin up this vid for him(crush...)

Lol.....Ok for Wei Kai GET WELL SOON

Currently drowning in utter gimpness and stupidity

Friday, July 25, 2008

Umm...Get A Life

Disclaimer:All that is about to be said may unintentionally offend you.Blogger Discretion Advised
Please help me to complete and correct this list by tagging on my "friends" blogs....
The Love list of 6G and the other classes

  1. Shaun Likes Simin
  2. Suyi Likes Kei Wai
  3. No one Likes Mary
  4. I (possibly)likes Louisa
  5. Josh likes Treebranch
  6. Nicole likes Marvin
  7. GilaGirl likes Benjamin
  8. FatBlackEmoCat(as if),Tze Ming Likes Danielle Ng
  9. Kei Wai likes Nikhil
  10. JiaLatMee likes Computer
  11. NIL(tempraroly)<<
  12. No one will like me after posting this lol

For losers like GilaGirl who have no life,you might as well get a F-ing life. Currently Drowning in utter anger

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Mom is coming home soon..whether make this a fast one......lol Celebrations are going to be held for the next two days... Miss Wang is not coming to school!!!!! WOOT!!!!!Can play Cherie's phone like mad!!!!!!(lol).....I haven't touched my home work yet...Oh yeah I got 75 for english test... My mom is going to kill me... You guys are VERYVERYVERY Lucky...Most of your parents don't have a High Expectation of you......lol.....Sat is Bible Quiz I have only read until Samuel 2.....I'm goin to finish today.......In my bus we are having trading games month!!!!Lol I traded Forza Motorsport 2 for Halo 1 and 2...(currently on Sacred Halo Level) WOoT!!!!!.....Just had malay tuition... Have to practice my malay oral...ORAL!ORAL!!!!!! Crap NEXT WEEK DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIED AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Currently drowning in utter panic .....

Monday, July 21, 2008


I am pissed about today.... I just showed my maths test to my parents....Guess what they said.....Can Do Better!....I understand the fact that they want me to do well ...But the least they could do is give us some encouragement......All they do is compare and assume....
Any way, Prelim Oral is just around the corner....I hope I do well....... Bye....Currently drowning in utter E-learnigism and Stupidity

Friday, July 18, 2008


Just finished the impossible quiz.......lol
Today was fine.....Miss Wang Got pissed......I got scolding for a crime I did not commit...and Cherie drew a bloody sick picture.......
(wow back with my habits of great glorious LOL)
Stupid Imeem ...I am lame.....

U have just wasted ur time by just lookin at this random post Now drowning in utter IMism

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A new begining

Lol.. A new blog again...Well my old blog is full of dust..Most of you know about me from my old blog.So I am not going to introduce myself
Today was great..Mingster did not come so I played with Cherie's phone.....I went to play Lumines... Miss Wang relief us before the White ghost..Then after rcess a teacher came to relief us I don't care about her name)I continued playing with Cherie's phone (Joshua and me were practically fighting over it......)
Today was my presentation for my holiday Malay project......I confirm fail.....Gilagirl,Cow and Shiti went to sabotage me......(I WILL GET MY REVENGE!!!!!)
Tomorrow marching contigent practice.....I hope I improve.....(lol... unlikely...)After that I've got tuition......
Currently looking at a faint remix(again)....It's called crushcrushfaint..The two songs fitted perfectly.....
Later I got music class..... Don't know what to do now.....Drowning in utter stupidity
p.s.i 'm using alot of brackets.....